The History of Suiseki
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Korean Classifications
Japanese Terminology
Chinese Terminology
Korean Terminology
Collecting Suiseki
Where To Collect
Tools & Gear
Evaluating Suiseki
Ten Views of a Rock
The Science of Suiseki
Preparing Your Suiseki
Using Acid
Drying Stones
Stone Cutting
Developing A Patina
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Suiseki and Other Forms of Stone Appreciation
Stones have been admired and collected by mankind since time immemorial. And throughout history, cultures around the globe have developed unique names, disciplines and guidelines for their particular art form.

The Japanese art is called "Suiseki", in China "Scholar's Rocks", in Korea it is "Suseok" or "Gongshi". Among many other terms used, some might include: viewing stones, artistic stones, object stones and many more. Many of these terms should not and cannot accurately be used interchangeably. For more information, see history, classifications and glossary.

On, we not only focus on the Japanese art of Suiseki, we also represent other forms of stone appreciation - from various traditional forms, to the new and emerging. Therefore, please notice that our page headings indicate either specific "Suiseki" info (aesthetics, displays) or more general stone appreciation topics (collecting, preparing). And some pages contain information on both Suiseki and general stone appreciation.

What is Suiseki?
Japanese "Suiseki", the delicate and traditional art form, represents much more than art - it also represents a process, a feeling, a relationship between the object and the viewer. Read some of the definitions we have gathered from our friends in the Suiseki world:

Suiseki are stones that suggest mountains, lakes, waterfalls and other natural scenes or that are aesthetically pleasing in shape and texture. They represent nature in the palm of your hand.

Suiseki are small, naturally formed stones admired for their beauty and for their power to suggest a scene from nature or an object closely associated with nature. Among the most popular types of suiseki (pronounced suu-ee-seck-ee) are those that suggest a distant mountain, a waterfall, an island, a thatched hut, or an animal.

Collected in the wild, on mountains and in streambeds, and then displayed in their natural state, these stones are objects of great beauty. They are also sophisticated tools for inner reflection that stir in all who see them an appreciation for the awesome power of the universe.

Explained in a simple way, the suiseki is the comprehension and the appreciation of nature through a stone, resulting from nature.

Suiseki (Sui = water, Seki = stone) is the study and enjoyment of naturally formed stones as objects of beauty. The art of Suiseki involves the collection, preparation and appreciation of unaltered naturally formed stones. These stones are found in mountain streams, on windblown deserts, along ocean beaches - anywhere that nature may have deposited or shaped them.

A suiseki has the capacity to represent with the eyes of the man, on a few centimeters, the whole earth and cosmos.

The result of scaling and reproducing an awesome mountain landscape into a well-balanced suiseki is so visually pleasing, inspirational and mind refreshing. It's every collector's dream to someday find the perfect Stone, to create the perfect miniature landscape. Perfection is always the next Stone and the dream lives on.

...and the dream lives on.

Please explore our website for more insight into suiseki and other forms of the art of stone appreciation. We welcome you to sign our guest book and share your thoughts.

If you are a collector, or have any related interest you would like to add to this website, please click here to find out about having your own page on

The following links provide more information on the multi-cultural
Art of Viewing Stones:

The History
Japanese History
Chinese History
Korean History
Western Classifications
Japanese Classifications
Chinese Classifications
Korean Classifications
Glossary of Suiseki Terms
Japanese Terms
Chinese Terms
Korean Terms
Where To Collect
Tools & Gear
More Photos
Ten Views of A Rock
The Golden Rectangle
Tools & Techniques
Classifying Suiseki
Stone Cutting
Other Methods
Aesthetics of Suiseki
Displaying Suiseki
Other Display Methods
Rocks/Stones Best for Suiseki
Bonsai and Suiseki
Our Gallery
Suiseki Collectors
Suiseki Links
Suiseki Sites
Stones For Sale
Tools, Materials, Resources
Other Links

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